Intracranial Hypertension Research Foundation

International non-profit that sponsors and funds medical research of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (old name pseudotumor cerebri) and secondary intracranial hypertension. IHRF's mission is to understand why IH happens, and find better treatments while ultimately seeking a cure. IHRF provides a support system, educational resources including patient conferences, and communication tools for patients. For physicians and scientists, IHRF sponsors educational training opportunities. IHRF operates in the IH Registry, a patient database for clinical research, at the Oregon Health & Science University. National 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations offer a comprehensive program of information and support services for patients and their families. They may offer patient and professional information and education materials, sponsor meetings and scientific workshops, fund research, and provide referrals to chapters and support groups.

6517 Buena Vista Drive
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